



新总统要负责政府内大约4000个政治任命. 为了有效地工作,这些被任命者需要学习如何驾驭一个复杂的联邦组织. 准备好治理® 让他们从上任的那一刻起就准备好应对这一挑战. 自2013年以来, 该项目已经帮助了1万多名学生,500名政治任命人员更好地管理他们的机构, 了解联邦法规, 建立能够协作和创造性地解决问题的网络. 阅读更多 below to learn how Ready to Govern helped Gwen Keyes become an effective chief of staff for the Environmental Protection Agency.

2013年,格温·凯斯开始了她职业生涯中最大的挑战. 在迪卡尔布县当了五年地方检察官之后, 乔治亚州,另外三次担任环境保护局的地区管理员, 凯斯来到华盛顿特区.C. 担任环境保护署的幕僚长,这个职位要求她监管15个部门,000名员工在全国和世界各地工作, 几个大型团队和子组件, 还有一个国际办公室.

《电竞下注靠谱平台》帮助凯斯管理这些令人眼花缭乱的职责, 为她提供技能, 管理EPA员工和项目的工具和专业网络, 并熟练地应对2013年政府关门等意外危机.  

“Ready to Govern is the place—和 the 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 is the place—where you learn how to manage competing priorities 和 also build the network of support that will help you further [your career],”她说。.



凯斯来到华盛顿特区.C. 有着深厚的电子竞技押注平台背景. Her father was a Tuskegee Airman who served in government for 40 years as an engineer at the Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, 新泽西. He was also one of the first African Americans to run for elected office on the local school board in her hometown.  

在这个例子的指导下, Keyes interned with a local prosecutor’s office after earning her law degree at Emory University 和 soon thereafter became the first African American 和 first woman to serve as district attorney for the Stone Mountain Judicial Circuit in DeKalb County, 乔治亚州.

In 2010, 她开始将自己的法律技能运用到联邦工作中, overseeing environmental policy in eight southeastern states 和 six federally recognized tribes as the EPA’s Region 4 regional administrator.     

“Being able to creatively think of ways to use the full power of the federal government to [help others] was something that was always appealing,”她说。.

“Ready to Govern is the place—和 the 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 is the place—where you learn how to manage competing priorities 和 also build the network of support that will help you further [your career].”

Gwen Keyes


尽管如此,在一个内阁级别的机构担任幕僚长是一个全新的挑战. 作为该机构自称的“空中交通管制员”,她必须监控几十个相互交叉的EPA项目的状态, 策略性地向行政长官提出问题, 将权力下放给整个组织的员工, 并与白宫和其他机构协调信息和政策.

She said Ready to Govern helped her “create that personal management of time 和 resources that could then be used to delegate 和 create accountability 和 information streams throughout the agency.”

One of the most useful tools was a Ready to Govern template that helped her gather information about EPA projects, 跟踪他们的状态,并与机构内的关键利益相关者沟通最新情况.   

“I created this matrix based on the buckets that I learned from Ready to Govern to help me manage a very broad l和scape of issues,”她说。.

通过有效地跟踪这些项目, 凯斯可以更好地向环保署署长提出潜在的问题, 吉娜·麦卡锡, 并应对意外危机.

例如, she recalled drawing on lessons from Ready to Govern to keep the EPA running during the 16-day government shutdown in October 2013.

这是政府关门的结果, 环保署让近94%的雇员休假,这是所有联邦机构中休假比例最高的. 在那段时间里, 工作人员不能查收电子邮件,也不能使用政府发放的手机, 并且被禁止远程工作. 停工发生时,该机构正计划推出新的碳排放法规, 推迟了时任总统奥巴马气候变化议程的核心内容.

She credited Ready to Govern with helping her manage workflows for essential staff still in the office 和 communicate with furloughed employees about agency operations during a time of uncertainty.  

“The multifaceted approach that I learned from Ready to Govern helped me just kind of keep my thumb on the pace of everything,”她说。.


我们强调任命人员有效开展工作所需的最相关信息. 我们的课程包括:




认识并学会与白宫的关键人物建立和管理成功的关系, 管理和预算办公室, 以及其他联邦机构.


识别并避免常见的违反法律和道德的行为, 并确定可以帮助您了解联邦法规的利益相关者.


Become familiar with the federal budget process 和 underst和 how it affects the president’s priorities 和 funds the operations of the federal government.


《电竞下注靠谱平台》也让凯斯建立了新的职业关系网,帮助她驾驭自己的新角色. 她的项目团队由其他具有类似工作职责的机构幕僚长组成, 和 she eventually came to see the group as a “fraternity of sorts” that shared best practices 和 common challenges.

“我是D的新手.C. 总部政治,”她说. “能够与其他面临同样挑战的幕僚长共处一室, 机会, 压力和压力似乎是在这个领域向别人学习的好机会.”

当这些参谋长在政府中担任其他职务时,凯斯的关系网进一步扩大, connecting her with stakeholders across government who could flag certain “l和mines” as she 和 her team designed, 执行和监督环境保护署的政策.

“Ready to Govern helped in terms of underst和ing who the players are for you to get the information about the [federal] l和scape,”她说。.

Keyes also said the network made it easier for her to align EPA talking points on the 2013 government shutdown with the messaging coming from both the White House 和 other agencies.


“我是D的新手.C. 总部政治.”

Gwen Keyes


Keyes left government in 2017 after a two-year stint as chief of staff at the EPA 和 another two-years as principal legal advisor (aka general counsel) for the U.S. 入境及海关执法.

然而, she has carried the lessons she learned from Ready to Govern into her current role as a partner at Van Ness Feldman, 一家专门从事环境保护的法律和政策公司, 能源和自然资源法. She still has her Ready to Govern notes 和 said the program has helped her manage relationships 和 ensure key internal stakeholders buy in to the work she does.

但凯斯看到了《电子竞技押注平台》在更广泛意义上的真正影响. 通过为政治领导人提供成功的工具, 她说, the program enables political appointees to communicate their experiences in government compellingly to wide audiences. 她认为,曝光这项工作对于招募更多的人从事电子竞技押注平台至关重要.  

“伙伴关系在向政府官员提供基本工具和建议方面发挥着作用, 所以当他们出去谈论他们的经历时, 他们可能会吸引更多的人说, ‘嘿, 我想成为解决方案的一部分,’”她说。.

继续阅读有关的信息 如何参与 在《电子竞技押注平台》一书中.


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